Your Guide To Painting The Ultimate Eco-friendly Home

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When people think of creating an eco-friendly home, most of us think ‘saving water’ or ‘switching the lights off when they are not in use’. All these methods are certainly good ways to go green, but did you know that even painting can be done in an eco-friendly manner? Here’s your guide to painting the ultimate eco-friendly home:


1. Choose The Right Paint: Steer Clear From Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)



Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) leave behind non-biodegradable and non-recyclable chemical waste. VOC have also been shown to negatively affect human health in various ways, irritating the airways and eyes, and even threatening the nervous system. Eco-friendly paints contain none to little amount of VOC. These paints are easily available and affordable. Nippon Paint Odour-less All-in-1 is available in over 1000 colours, has low VOC and is an environmentally friendly paint certified under the Singapore Green Building Product Certification Scheme.


2. Preparing To Paint: Know How Much Paint You Need



A simple but important step is knowing how much paint you need to get. Paint is usually sold in cans with an indication of how many square metres each litre can paint. To estimate how much paint you’ll need for a wall, measure the height and width, and calculate them. Otherwise, consult the shop keeper or an expert before buying the paint.


3. Painting: Choose The Best Paint For Each Area



Now comes the fun part – Painting!

But before you jump straight into it, it’s important to use the right paint for each area. For example, Singapore’s humid weather creates damp areas such as the ceilings in our toilets and kitchen, or the area around our air conditioners. Try the Nippon Paint Odour-less Anti-Mould Ceiling White, which protects against most species of mould! Choosing the best type of paint for different parts of your house ensures your paint job lasts longer.

In fact, there are some rules you should never break when it comes to painting!


4. Finishing Up: Dispose Your Paint Properly



The final step in painting the ultimate eco-friendly home is proper disposal. If there is a small amount of paint left, leave it to dry out before placing it in the trash. If you have quite some paint left, donate it or store it properly for next time! You can even consider using them for other projects, such as a stylish pinboard or a fun flowerpot!

Store in an airtight container to keep the water from evaporating and prevent microorganisms from getting in. Some water-based latex paint can last up to years. Check this article out to read on identifying if your paint has gone bad. Never pour paint down a drain – it is one of the worst harms you can do to the environment.

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